Charter Capacity
1. The maximum number of guests permitted to board the vessel for the charter can befound on the balance invoice. Requests for additional guest numbers may be made inwriting and need to be approved 48 hours prior to the charter commencing.
2. No additional guests will be able to board the vessel on the day of the charter.
3. Refunds will not be given for no-shows or latecomers.
Access to the yacht
4. The Charterer and their guests may only board the vessel at the time their booking isscheduled to commence. Access prior to this time (e.g. for event setup) must be approvedin writing by Dreamtime least 48 hours prior to the Charter commencing.
5. The Charterer and their guests shall vacate the vessel by the agreed time set out on thebalance invoice. Specific arrangements to extend must be confirmed by the Captain of thevessel. Any extension of time or failure to vacate the premises at the agreed time shallincur an additional fee (based on the hourly rate for vessel hire and hourly staff charges)
6. Full access to the yacht including lower deck cabins will be managed on a case-by-casebasis and should be discussed with the Charter Manager at least 24 hours prior to thecharter commencing. Dreamtime reserves the right to close any areas off in order to protectthe vessel.
Guest Conduct and safety
7. The Head Charterer is responsible for the behaviour, security and safety of themselves,their guests and any associated contractors whilst they are onboard the vessel.
8. The Head Charterer shall observe and comply with all instructions given by Dreamtimecrew and with the provisions of the Charter Agreement.
9. Nudity, strippers and topless waiters are not permitted as part of any charter onboardDreamtime.
10. It is prohibited for any person to use, sell, purchase or be under the influence of anyillegal substance onboard the vessel. Any guest found to be under the influence of anillegal substance will be immediately removed from the vessel.
11. Dreamtime crew reserve the right to request the removal of any guest behaving in adangerous, disorderly, argumentative, offensive, illegal or objectionable way.
12. The safety of our crew and guests is our first priority. If the behaviour of any charterguest threatens this safety, police will be notified and the charter will be immediately suspended.
Responsible Service of Alcohol
13. RSA regulations apply onboard Dreamtime. Dreamtime crew reserve the right to refuseservice to anyone underage or overly intoxicated.
14. To ensure the safety of guests returning to dock the bar will be closed 30 minutes priorto disembarking.
15. Dreamtime has a strict no shoe policy on board. A welcome mat and chairs will beprovided for guests embarking the yacht to remove their shoes. All guest's shoes will bestowed safely on board during the charter.
Toilets, Showers, Cabins
16. Dreamtime has bathrooms designated for day charter guest use. These will be madeclear in the safety briefing. Other guest areas and bathrooms will be unavailable to use.
17. Showers are not available to use at any time, there is a freshwater shower located onthe exterior for any guest wanting to rinse off after swimming.
18. Guests need to ensure that no sanitary items or any other non-biodegradable wasteare flushed down the toilets. Bins are provided and the cost to repair any blockages will betaken from the event bond.
20. Food is not to be taken into the lower deck area. Consumption of food will be limited tothe main guest areas of the yacht.
21. Menus contain allergens and are prepared in kitchens that handle nuts, shellfish, glutenand eggs. Whilst all reasonable efforts are taken to accommodate guest dietary needs,Dreamtime cannot guarantee that food will be allergy free. Any dietary requirements arerequired to be ordered and confirmed prior to the event.
22. Dreamtime's music system will be available during charters. Volume and control will bemanaged by the yachts crew and any DJ equipment or sound systems must be discussedwith the captain prior to commencement. If you would like your music to be played, pleasecreate a public Spotify playlist in advance so the crew can download and play for you onthe day.
23. Smoking / vaping is only permitted on the aft swim platform area and only while theyacht is at anchor.
24. All in-water activities are to be confirmed at the time of booking the charter. Lifeguardsneed to be employed for safety at the charterers expense. Anyone who wishes toparticipate in any water activities will not be permitted to consume any alcohol.
25. Guests are to supply their own towels and no more than 20 guests are allowed in thewater at any one time.
Water Taxis
26. Any water taxi embarking / disembarking must first be noted to the captain on board.Water taxis are to be arranged at the charterer's own expense.
27. Dreamtime Charters may feature media collected from the client's events on our socialmedia channels and website. This may include posting images, testimonials, videos andaudio. It is the responsibility of the lead charterer to inform guests of this provision.
Cancellation Policy
28. Cancellation more than 30 days prior: Provided we are successful in re-booking thevessel for your scheduled charter date and time, your deposit will be refunded less a $700 administrative fee. If we are not able to re-book the vessel, the deposit is non-refundable.
29. Cancellation between 30-10 days prior: Deposit is non-refundable
30. Cancellation less than 10 days prior: Full payment is due and payable with no moniesrefundable
31. In the above circumstances, consideration will be given to food, staff and boat costsincurred due to cancellation.
32. Cancellations must be made in writing to Dreamtime
33. Dreamtime reserves the right to cancel any booking and refund any deposit orpayments made as a result of unforeseen circumstances; extreme weather conditions oraccidents.
34. Full payment is required prior to boarding the vessel.
Additional charges
35. A $2,000 security deposit is payable prior to boarding the vessel for your charter.
36. Any additional charges on the day of service are to be immediately deducted from thesecurity deposit. This includes but is not limited to extensions of charter, additional guests,additional services, pay-on-consumption beverages, waiting time for embarking anddisembarking at wharves, water taxis and any other additional charges notified byDreamtime.
Damage to Vessel
37. The Charterer shall notify Dreamtime staff immediately on becoming aware of anydamage or loss to the vessel, its facilities or equipment and of any injury to any person
whatsoever during the charter.
38. The Charterer shall be responsible for the cost of making good any damage or losscaused to the vessel and its furniture, fittings and equipment arising out of and/or in thecourse of the Charterer's Charter.
39. If the amount to make good any damage or loss caused is greater than the amount ofthe security deposit, the Charterer will be forwarded an invoice for settlement within 7days.
Charterers Liability
40. The Charterer is liable for themselves, their employees and any contractors whom theymay engage in relation to the event and indemnifies Dreamtime, all Dreamtime employeesand caterers against any claims, actions, losses, demands, damages and expenses forwhich Dreamtime, its employees and caterers shall or may become liable or suffer inrespect of damage to Dreamtime's property or injury or death of persons arising out of anywilful, unlawful or negligent act or omission of the Charterer, its employees, agents orsubcontractors in connection with this event.
41. It is the responsibility of the Charterer to obtain and keep current insurance againstsuch liability during the term of this contract and ensure that all contractors under theirdirection are similarly insured.
Failure to comply with any of the above provisions will result in immediate suspension ofthe Charter without refund.
The crew of Dreamtime would like to thank you in advance for respecting our terms &conditions, and look forward to welcoming you on board.